Osteoporosis Exercise Essentials
(Six Session Program)
Our next live classes will be on November 6th & 13th at 12:00 pm EST
Register Now! $99.00 USDMore about the Osteoporosis Exercise Essentials
In the Osteoporosis Exercise Essentials program, you will learn precautions, proper posture, biomechanical alignment, core control, and breathing for fracture prevention and bone building exercises. We focus on body awareness, form, postural correction and core control with exercises that involve weight-bearing, standing balance, and spinal mobility.
Feedback will be specifically given during the classes on proper performance of skills. Special focus is on using precision alignment exercises to prevent osteoporotic fractures, make daily tasks easier and to incorporate FUNctional fitness.
This class is for all levels, even non-exercisers. Chairs will be used as needed for support, balance and sitting exercises. Modifications will be offered for common injuries such as knee pain, back pain or other conditions.

In each focused class you will learn:
- Class 1 (Replay) - Foot Placement, Standing Posture alignment and self-correction techniques; Focus on vertical alignment from feet to pelvis to head. Specific placement instructions for foot, knee, and hip alignment in preparation for weight-bearing, loading and strength training exercises.
- Class 2 (Replay) - Leg Alignment for transfers to and from the floor, performing knee bends/Chair Pose, functional squats and lunging/Warrior poses. We will offer modifications and support for those with knee or hip pain.
- Class 3 - (Replay) - Core Control on the Mat: Proper quadruped spine positioning, trunk control, plank support progression, transversus abdominal facilitation with breath control in all positions will be taught. Great class for those with low back pain.
- Class 4 Â (Replay) - Neck and Shoulder Alignment for decreased neck and shoulder tension and pain. Learn proper shoulder mechanics for both overhead reaching poses and upper body weightbearing positions.
- Class 5 - Spinal Mobility Safety for fracture prevention and improved posture. Learn how to safely perform spinal twists and stretches. Reduce forward head posture, thoracic kyphosis/dowager’s hump, scoliosis curves and strengthen upper back muscles to prepare for lifting, loading and resistance exercises for the spine.
- Class 6 - Putting it All Together: Practice all the principles from the 5 foundational classes to allow you to be able to perform yoga or any exercise safely and without pain to affected joints so that you can begin to add weight and resistance for bone building exercises.

Sherri Betz, PT, DPT
 Sherri Betz, PT, DPT, is a board-certified clinical specialist in geriatric physical therapy and director of TheraPilates® Physical Therapy Clinics, specializing in geriatric orthopedics and osteoporosis. She is devoted to improving awareness about geriatric exercise, bone health, and safe yoga and Pilates-based exercise through professional and consumer education as well as through the promotion of low-cost, on-site, and virtual community exercise programs for fit and frail older adults.