Happy Bones Education Series

10 one-hour live classes by experts designed to boost your bone health. Attend live and ask your questions. Everyone who signs up will receive the replays!

Buy Your 10 Hours of Bone Health Classes

Herbs, Spices, and Cooking for Optimal Bone Health - Dr. Sally LaMont (Naturopathic doctor and chef)  

Attend live on April 21st. Learn how you can integrate bone healthy herbs and spices into your food. Dr. Sally will share some delicious bone boosting recipes as well as some of her secrets to help you love your food.

Identifying Bone Bandits in Your Everyday Food -Mira Dessy (Holistic Nutritionist aka The Ingredient Guru) 

May date TBA. Learn how to read labels and identify what ingredients may be harming your bones. In this class, you will be able to submit labels you would like Mira to evaluate.

Using Resistance Loops for Stronger Muscles and Bones - Joan Pagano (ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist)

June date TBA. Learn some great ways you can use stretch loops for building stronger muscles and bones. This class is appropriate for all fitness levels.

The Feldenkrais Method® for Improved Posture and Bone Health - Robin Eisen, MS, PT (Physical Therapist and Feldenkrais Practitioner) 

July date TBA. Experience the Feldenkrais Method® - a powerful approach to movement that teaches your body easier, more efficient ways to move. You will learn movement patterns that will leave you feeling more aligned and expanded.

Skeletoning- Penelope Wasserman (Pilates instructor, dancer, and osteoporosis exercise specialist) 

August date TBA. Skeletoning is a fun, weight-bearing class that uses music and dance to help build strong bones. You will also learn a warm up with Internal Alignment Awareness exercises. This routine helps strengthen the hips, wrists and spine while learning to listen to your body. Skeletoning is a great way to exercise and have fun!

EMFs and Bone Health- Lloyd Burrell (Electromagnetic radiation specialist, founder of ElectricSense.com) 

Date TBA. One day in 2002, Lloyd Burrell went to answer his cell phone and became so 'affected' by the end of the conversation that he had to sit down. Before long other electrical devices, computer, WiFI, cordless phone etc. were having the same effect on him. He has spent over 10 years researching this topic and looking for solutions to share with others. Learn what you can do to reduce EMFs for improved bone and overall health.

The Meeks Method-  Sara M. Meeks, PT, MS, GCS, KYT (physical therapist, founder of the Meeks Method) 

Date TBA. The Meeks Method 12-point program for a comprehensive approach to the management of low bone mass, back pain, and postural dysfunction. It is a program designed to prevent, arrest and/or reverse this highly avoidable postural process that appears to be related to aging but actually occurs as we age but not because we age.

BONUS CLASSES (immediate access)

Eastern Medicine Techniques for Improved Bone Health - Shiroko Sokitch, MD 

Learn 8 simple practices you can easily put into your life to improve your bone health using the principles of Chinese Medicine. The tools Dr. Shiroko will be teaching will also help increase your energy and reduce your stress.

Environmental Toxins: How to Protect Yourself and Your Family Part 1 and Part 2 – Margie Bissinger MS, PT, CHC

Two pre-recorded one-hour classes where you will learn where toxins are hidden in your everyday life and steps you can take to reduce your exposure. Reducing toxins is very powerful and can have a significantly impact on your bones, overall health and happiness. These classes come with nine useful handouts.

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