Osteoporosis & Bone Health Q&A Replays

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2/17 Questions:

[03:26] What is the difference between Osteoporosis and Osteopenia?
[04:32] Which vibration plate should I use?
[09:32] Best foods to eat for strong bone building
[11:40] Does walking with about 7 lbs of weight in a backpack considered weight-bearing exercise?
[14:00] Does your program adapt to those in their 80's as well as others in their 50’s? I'm in my 80's and am curious how bones can be strengthened in 80-year-olds.
[16:06] Would you consider making a video/DVD that could be used as the basis of a home practice? I find it much easier to do my exercises when I'm with a teacher or following a video example.
[18:00] Would like info on how to safely maintain a weight lifting, muscle building exercise program in your 60’s when you have osteoporosis.
[19:50] Where do I find an osteoporosis-educated physical therapist? 
[20:55] How do you overcome the inevitable and debilitating bone loss that comes from having celiac disease/ gluten intolerance for many years?
[23:08] Are weighted vests beneficial?
[24:15] How to use bone markers when monitoring drugs used for osteoporosis
[25:56] Can you still grow bone in your 50s?
[27:04] Vibrations plates are expensive, what do experts think about mini trampolines for those with osteoporosis? or jump rope?
[28:00] Are forward bends in yoga are bad for your bones?
[31:06] I am 78 with severe brittle bones, What can I do? I am afraid of falling!
[32:44] Vibrations plates are expensive, what do experts think about mini trampolines for those with osteoporosis? or jump rope?
[35:02] Where does one begin?
[37:11] Hip exercises to build strength
[40:30] What do you think about strontium?
[42:15] Is it better to take the Calcium, Vitamin D, and K2 together or separately to build bone density?
[51:13] Magnesium
[53:12] Which calcium is NOT good for you
[53:19] PPIs, Antacids and your bone health
[54:33] Rebuilding bone after prednisone or other steroids
[57:21] Is it possible that you had severe osteoporosis ( -3.75 with no bone fracture) all of your life, and are a male, even though it was only discovered at your first bone density test? Do you still have to avoid bending your spine?

3/10 Questions:

[03:36] How do you know if a professional truly has expertise in bone health?
[08:02] Is bending with a straight back alright for your posture?
[09:46] What can cause high blood calcium yet low bone density?
[14:03] How do you increase bone density in the Femoral Neck?
[15:50] Does testing your microbiome truly help with osteoporosis?
[19:27] What is the best way to sleep to support your bones?
[21:06] Are plyometrics and Tae Kwon Do helpful for bone health?
[28:57] Are my bones affected by issues with digesting magnesium properly?
[30:25] Does osteoporosis lead to back spasms?
[31:39] Will restorative yoga help your bones?
[32:17] Can you use a cross country ski machine to strengthen your bones?
[33:03] Is it safe to follow the Essentrics workout and stretches?
[37:16] Best alternatives for calcium as a vegan?
[37:44] Is taking a collagen supplement helpful in case of osteopenia?
[40:34] Is dairy good or bad for bone health? Does it lead to inflammation?
[41:50] Will the vibration platform contradicts a degenerative disk?
[45:28] Recommendations for exercise and osteopenia
[46:30] Is there a connection between bone loss and high oxalates?
[47:57] What are the best substitutes for hormones?
[52:38] What herbs are best for your bone health?
[54:08] Learn more about the Happy Bones, Happy Life program to attend more Q&A’s!
[55:14] How can you find virtual assistance from experts?



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